Salomon Trailblazer 30
Salomon Trailblazer 30 litre backpack
If your looking for an ideal lightweight backpack to help you out on the trail, bike other means then look no further than this exceptional outdoor product.
In this outdoor gear review, I endeavour to give an impartial insight into this great product and hopefully encourage you to get outside and have this as a potential companion out on your next outdoor adventure.
Product description
The front of the backpack looks stylish and minimal in its approach. This is the Biking Red version of the pack.
The Trailblazer 30L backpack by Salomon is the perfect companion for your trips outdoors. Whether that is out in the mountains for a multi-day hike or the travel commute by bike to work, this pack will not let you down.
This pack has ample room to store all you need and the design makes it more convenient for you to able to carry more than you first thought. It even has the compatibility to include extra hydration with a hydration bag able to carry two litres.
The backpack comes equipped with super comfortable padding on the back, elastic and adjustable straps, shoulder straps with a 3D harness, and a belt with EVA foam that favours the ventilation. It includes 5 additional pockets that are located all around the pack making it easily accessible when you need it, through the main compartment and a cover for a hydration bag.
In addition to the basic functions of the pack, there is plenty of space to carry accessories and items like your walking sticks, GPS tracker or torch. This pack shown is 30 litres in capacity and comes in the colour Biking Red. It is striking in both colour and design, which leave you feeling confident out on the trail.
Although, probably a little on the larger side for running adventures, Salomon also make this functional trailblazer in different sizes and of course, eye-catching colours. The Trailblazer comes in 10, 20 and 30 litres sizes making it very useful for all manner of outdoor pursuits.
You can find more details on the range of backpacks on the Salomon website.
Clean lines, padded straps and additional extras are found on the pack.
The backpack is simple in its design but very light and comfortable. It is striking and will certainly look good out on your adventures.
I particularly like the minimal approach with nothing unnecessary hanging from it and added extras that simply take up space or have no real function.
As a connoisseur of good backpacks, there is no doubt in my mind it is very versatile and the design, clean lines, quality of fabrics and trim together with a great fit make this pack exceptionally appealing.
For more specific details on sizes etc the pack measures up as:
These dimensions are specific to this pack and will differ with alternatives in the Trailblazer range.
Volume (litres) 30 plenty of room in this pack
Back Length (cm) 47
Dimensions (L x W x D in cm) 52 x 28 x 22
Weight (g) 552
The pack has nice details added like this reflective strip.
Specifications and materials used
The materials used in this product are very lightweight, durable and will certainly stand the test of time.
The only downside is the pack does not come with an additional rain cover, which would be a great inclusion to an otherwise exceptional product.
As I will use the pack daily cycling to work, it is definitely something that would be of great benefit.
Those specifications for the materials are as follows:
Body 100% Polyamide
Pockets 88% Polyamide, 12% Elastane
Foam 100% Polyethylene
Lining 100% Polyester
Back insert 100% Polyester
Shoulder 100% Polyester
Competitively priced, around 50 to 60 euros there is no doubt you will get a great pack for your money and the great range of Salomon products out there mean that you will have different sizes and colours to choose from. Salomon products are very reputable and ideal for any enthusiast seeking enjoyment from the great outdoors.
For more information on the pack and additional products click on the icon below and for more reviews like this, be sure to check out more of my blog posts by accessing the navigation tab above or clicking here.
Thanks for reading!
Inside the pack there is a smaller pocket for keys etc and also a deep cavity to store all your belongings.
The inside of the pack is big and there is an additional pouch for a 2 litre bladder pack. Ideal for hydration on long hikes or rides.